Muv luv beta superior series#
Tropes used in Muv-Luv include: The series contains examples of And yes, even mere mentions of many tropes here are in themselves spoilers. Please note that this page, as well as its subpages, contains a ton of spoilers, especially for the latter parts of Unlimited, as well as the entirety of Alternative. Please contribute to the character sheet.

You can find (and please add to) other tropes and fandom reactions here, Crowning Moments of Awesome here, funny moments here, and depressing moments here. Total Eclipse, one of the many side stories, will receive an anime adaptation in Summer 2012. The composers from Muv-Luv return for the music, which also features contributions from JAM Project, Hijiri Anze ( Resident Evil Code: Veronica), Hikaru Nanase ( Zone of the Enders, Chrno Crusade), and Taku Iwasaki (who would later compose for Soul Eater and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann).Ī port of the series to the Xbox 360 was announced by 5pb, co-creators of Chaos Head and Steins Gate with Nitroplus and was released in October 2011. Alternative also includes Michiru Isumi from age's debut game Kimi Ga Ita Kisetsu, which got a remake in 2011 (in which Touko Kazama and Misae Munakata also appear), and Mitsuki Hayase, Haruka Suzumiya (Akane's sister), along with Akane herself, from Kimi ga Nozomu Eien. Unable to accept the result of what happened at the end of Unlimited ( mass evacuation of Earth, followed by the remaining humans' last stand against the BETA), he strives to find a method that could give humanity victory. The sequel to Unlimited and released after several delays around 3 years later.Īfter 3 years in the Unlimited world, Takeru wakes up to find that he has rewound back to the beginning of Unlimited.

The characters are, for the most part identical to their Extra counterparts, with the possible exception of Mikoto, who is now female. All of the major characters from the Extra timeline are present in Unlimited, except for Sumika, and the Unlimited world's Takeru, who is said to be dead. Unlimited relates Takeru's story as he tries to adjust to military life in an unfamiliar world, while rebuilding relationships with his friends. Adversaries to the human race") have invaded Earth and mankind fights back against the alien aggressors with Humongous Mecha called Senjutsuhokousentouki (戦術歩行戦闘機), "Tactical Surface Fighters", as almost all conventional weapons before simply didn't work. He later finds out that he's in an alternate world to Extra, where aliens called BETA (an acronym for "Beings of Extra Terrestrial origin. In Unlimited, Takeru wakes up one morning to discover that the rest of the city around him is in ruins, and Sumika is nowhere to be found. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP.Ĭompletion of the two endings of the "main route" in Extra unlocks the Unlimited portion of Muv-Luv. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE.

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Muv luv beta superior manual#
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